Thursday, 31 December 2015

A Happy New Year

New Year is all about cherishing; the feel of the past and the hopes of future. It is not just a new vision for an individual but a new hope for the country too. Being in politics and as a leader, your views do not restrict to individuality. The society, the city, the state and the nation becomes your priority. You have to focus on people and what they expect of you. New Year brings in new plans and visions. As the nation plans to embrace change and move ahead, I would like to make a contribution each day.

As a leader, my aim will not be to order but will be to set example. I hope when people mention Nanuram Kumawat’s name, there is a sense of admiration and inspiration associated. That is what I learned from my senior leaders. I have been enthralled the way our nation is embracing progress. Last year saw some major changes. What last year gave us in terms of learning is valuable and important. I learned how the benefit of nation society should always precede all other gains. I learned that whenever you try to do something for public good, people point fingers and that is normal. As every coin has two sides, we need to embrace both.

As we stand and bid this year a well-respected adios; I hope I achieve what I aim at. My resolution for this upcoming year is consistency, resilience and determination. I aim to stay true to the promises I make to the public and the plans I have for the society and the environment. I would like to be remembered as Nanuram Kumawat, a leader who works for the people rather than a leader who only guides. I hope to be connected to all the people. I wish all my friends and followers a very Happy New Year. I hope we all have a successful and prosperous year 2016.

Monday, 14 December 2015

मेक इन इंडिया पर इंदौर का योगदान

सितंबर 25, 2015 को माननीय प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी द्वारा एक बेहद ही उम्दा पहल का प्रमोचन किया गया | पहल का नाम दिया गया, मेक इन इंडिया | मेक इन इंडिया सिर्फ़ एक नाम नहीं बल्कि एक सकारात्मक आंदोलन है | और इसके पीछे एक बहुत ही सीधी एवं सटीक सोच है, भारत की तरक्की, भारत में, भारत के लोगों के साथ | एक गहन अध्ययन के बाद ये बात तो साफ़ है की भारत के पास एक बहुत ही समर्थ मानव संसाधन है | इसी बात का दूसरा पहलू यह है की यही जनसंख्या का विस्फोट भारत के विकास में बाधक बना हुआ है | अगर समझदारी एवं सूझबूझ से एक कार्य योजना बनायी जाए तो हम इसी कमज़ोरी को हमारी ताक़त बना सकते है | इसी के अंतर्गत सितंबर 25, 2014 को मेक इन इंडिया का अवलोकन किया गया | मेक इन इंडिया के अंतर्गत प्रधानमंत्री ने सिर्फ़ देश ही नहीं विदेश में भी पहल की, कि आप भारत में आए एवं बनायें | मुद्दा साफ है की भारत का ये समर्थ मानव संसाधन, उत्पादकता और नवीनीकरण से आर्थिक विकास में एक महत्वपूर्ण सहयोगी बन सकता है |

इसी पहल का हिस्सा इंदौर को भी बनाया गया | इंदौर मध्यप्रदेश का एक अति महत्त्वपूर्ण औद्योगिक क्षेत्र है |मेक इन इंडिया के अवलोकन के बाद मुख्यमंत्री श्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान एवं इंदौर निगम द्वारा हर संभव कोशिश की गयी है की इंदौर इस पहल का एक अहम हिस्सा बनें |
कई बड़ी कंपनियों ने शहर में अपनी उपस्थिति दर्ज़ कराई है | आई टी पार्क का सफ़ल उद्घाटन, कंपनियो का निवेश, ग्लोबल इन्वेस्टर्स समिट बस चन्द कदम है इस महास्वप्न की ओर आख़िर एक देश की पहचान सिर्फ़ तीन चीज़ों के बूते अपनी पहचान बनाता है-

1. अर्थव्यवस्था
2. आम जनता
3. उद्योग नीति
हम चाहते है तीनों साथ मिलकर इस पहल को सिर्फ़ सफल नहीं स्थाई भी बनाए |

बनाएगा भारत, तभी बनेगा भारत |

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Free Health Check Up Camps – An Initiative by Nanuram Kumawat

Samarpan Sewa Samiti organizes free health check up camps. Recently, it launched a health check up camp at Vinoba Nagar, Shaskiya Kanya Madhyamik Vidhyalaya. The head of Samarpan Sewa Samiti, Mr. Nanuram Kumawat also attended the camp and interacted with people. The camp was organized free of cost and aimed at providing health care facilities to the under-privileged. The camp was attended by 228 people. The aim of the camp was to provide health care facilities to the under-privileged.

The aim was to uplift the communities who cannot afford the health care facilities and suffer from diseases without getting proper treatment. The camp was graced by eminent doctors including eye specialists Dr. Prashant Bhartiya, Dr. Ravi Verma, Dr. Ashok Singh, Dr. Arpita Gurjar, Dr. J C Bhatt and Dr. Veena Bhatt. The patients were provided with complete health check up and were also gives additional health advice. This health check up camp benefitted people of nearby areas including Vinobanagar, Badi Gwaltoli, Gawli Chowk etc.

Nauram Kumawat distributed free medicines to the people and Dr. Prashant Bhartiya distributed 28 free spectacles. The camp was managed by other members efficiently including Nitin Bhatnagar, Santosh Gurjar, Mahesh Bariya, Banti Borasi, Ganesh Saini among others. This was the fourth health check up camp by Samarpan Sewa Samiti.

Being the fourth camp, Nanuram Kumawat assured that people engaged in huge numbers and were benefitted to a greater extent. Remember, Health is Wealth that should be attainable for all.